Is WhatsApp launching a new unique feature? Know more With AR Info Solution.
This feature has never been launched before on any social platforms, WhatsApp has not announced a release date yet, but latest update is a positive sign that this is releasing soon. We AR Info Solution are best in web development visit us for more. New Feature - This feature will allow user to edit their message even after sending it in chat. WhatsApp will allow user to edit this within 15 minutes after sending. They can correct any mistakes easily. The latest WhatsApp Beta for iOS update is working on a new alert that will inform users when their edited message has been sent to all the participants in the conversation. W ho can use this feature properly - T his WhatsApp feature will only be available for users who are on the latest version of WhatsApp. Those who are using an older version will not be able to see edited messages until they upgrade to the latest version that is compatible with this feature. That means even if you get the feature on your phone, the...